Welcome to our Guide to Investment Insights. Coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting societies and markets around the world. As concerns over the pandemic continue to dominate headlines, cause volatility in the market and subsequently shake confidence, it is perfectly normal for investors to become nervous, question their investment approach and concentrate on the potential for short-term losses over their longer term investment strategy.
During any market ups and downs, it’s important for investors to remain calm and focus on long-term goals. Selling investments when markets appear to be in crisis mode may feel like the right thing to do. However, decades’ worth of market data show that staying invested through volatile times has been a smart route to take to pursue long-term financial goals.
Overreacting to short-term news and normal market movements may lead some investors to inappropriately alter their asset allocations, potentially harming their ability to achieve long-term investment goals. Rather than fear volatile markets, investors should maintain their composure by staying focused on long-term economic and market expectations.