Greetings Friends of Oury Clark,

This month sees our intrepid heroes Oury and Clark do battle against the perceived burden of all of that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) stuff. You’ll be pleased to know that they come out on the winning side and now, we can help you do the same.

Done right ESG can be a competitive advantage, but knowing where to start can be daunting . So if you don’t know your GHG from your DE&I, fear not, help is at hand.  Here at Oury Clark we now have an experienced team of ESG experts who can help you turn this uncertainty from a pain point to a competitive advantage, whatever your business.

For the next two months we are offering a free consultation with the team – get in touch with them directly via or with your usual contact at Oury Clark who will make the introductions.

They have also written a handy introductory guide here, and you can read more about how they can help you blast through your ESG to-do list here.



Budget Survival Kit

The first budget under the new government is incoming on the 30th of October and it seems likely that there will be a lot of major changes to things like Capital Gains and Inheritance Taxes, as well as pension rules. If, and at the moment it is very much an IF, these changes happen, they may affect many of you and people like you. Fear not, we have your back, we’ve made a list of five things you should be thinking about here (don’t panic, but don’t delay).

As ever, if you want to talk to someone about how the budget might affect you get in touch or speak to your usual partner.



Had Enough of Jargon for One Newsletter?

Rather than circling back to a long list of TLAs why not go forward, lean in, and take the helicopter view with our favourite Business Without Bullshit of recent times. After their barnstorming Edinburgh Festival run and (just before) their sold out London shows we were lucky enough to sit down with corporate comedy duo Wankernomics.

And before you ask, yes we are allowed to say that, it’s their name.

If you are a visual kind of person then why not run the idea of watching the episode on our YouTube channel up the flagpole.  Also available on Spotify, Apple or wherever you get your podcasts.



Denver, Delhi, Dunedin, we are coming to get you (and lots of other places)

We know we have friends, clients and partners all around the world, so we are busy packing our bags to come and visit (don’t worry, we’ve booked hotels, we aren’t asking to crash in your spare room).

The closer each of these trips are, the fuller everybody’s diaries tend to be, but we can always make time to see our friends, so get in touch if you are going to be in town at the same time as us and want to chat. We are even hosting (or helping to host) a couple of events on the road, so pop along if you can, there’s bound to be drinks. Well, there better be drinks.

If you are just thinking about your international expansion plans, to or from the UK, for the first time get in touch. You can speak to your usual contact, or get in touch with Paul Webster, our international expansion expert, directly.



Oury Clark World Tour Dates 2024

India – Limited Availability

Emma Florentin-Lee, Harjeet Vaghani and Nadima Manjlai have limited remaining meeting slots on their visit to India between October 7th and 17th. Drop Emma a line if you want to check availability.

They will be in:

Delhi/Gurgaon October 7th and 8th
Bengaluru October 9th – 11th
Mumbai October 14th – 16th

Australia & New Zealand 

Ross Meadows and Zara Spelling will be visiting:


Sydney October 14th & 15th
Register for our event on the 15th 5 top tips for UK Setting Up in the UK
Gold Coast October 16th
Sunshine Coast October 17th
Brisbane October 18th
Register for our event Lunch & Learn with Tribe Global

New Zealand:

Queenstown October 21st
Register for our event Lunch & Learn
Christchurch October 22nd
Register for our event Lunch & Learn
Dunedin October 23rd
Register for our event Lunch & Learn
Auckland October 24th & 25th


Amelia Hook, Olivia French and Sam Spriggins-Pearson will be in
L.A. and San Diego
Between October 20th – 25th
Andy Oury, Isabella Mason and Jordan Doyle will be visiting
Denver, Chicago and NYC
Between October 30th – November 8th
Jemma Hotta and James Clark will be in
Austin, then New Orleans
Between November 4th – November 8th
Simon Walsh and Nikita Sodha will be visiting
Salt Lake City, Portland & Boise Idaho
Between November 4th – 8th
Jess Bass and Tim Downes will be finishing off the confirmed tour dates so far in Charlotte, Raleigh, Tampa and Miami Between November 18th – 22nd

Let us Introduce Ourselves

To find your nearest office or get in touch with one of our specialist advisors to see how we can help your business, please go to our contact page.

Contact us