You didn’t as you never read my CV to start! Did you know that if the UK government continues to make it difficult for skilled migrant workers to enter and stay in the UK, they are just going to go elsewhere. In January this year, without much noise, the government slipped through a change to the requirements for dependants of points-based system migrants when applying to settle in the UK. In order to settle in the UK on certain visas, you can’t have spent more than 180 days outside of the UK in each of the 5 years before applying for settlement. This is known as the “residency requirement”. Prior to 11th January 2018, it was just the main applicant that had to meet this requirement, and all dependants were exempt. Now dependants are subject to the same requirement for all periods of leave extensions granted after this date. There have been assurances from the Home Office that this will not be retrospective in its application, but the rules will apply to any leave extended after the 11th Jan.
Very generous of HMRC! Removing any risk that an employer may manipulate the rules… no doubt disguised as the greater goal of bringing fairness and clarity to the rules…