Similarly, with a handshake, you need to be conscious of how long you hold the handshake, as there is nothing worse than being the recipient of a “lingering” handshake, and it could amount to sexual harassment, so you need to be conscious of how any physical contact in the normal course of business and in the workplace is likely to be perceived. Being aware of yourself is difficult, for some more than others – and we have all had different upbringings and appreciations of different behaviours. People have different levels of emotional intelligence. We need to understand where these boundaries are in the workplace. Few us want to work in a cold sterile environment, and some of us value strongly those who are more friendly and are happy to give hug when needed, and some of us are not– everyone just needs to be aware of the boundaries, and they will differ for different people and different scenarios and over time as well. Once a rapport and friendship is established, generally outside of work as well as inside work, and it’s clear to both people that moving from a handshake to say a hug on greeting, then that is between them, and in this scenario a hug would be acceptable. It doesn’t though mean it’s open season to hug anyone you like in the office.